Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar – Day 14: Interval Type

Bonjour Paris! The type design community in Paris is buzzing and today, we’re looking at one of the younger foundries that has already received a lot of praise. Interval Type is the foundry of art director and type designer Ilya Naumoff. Before he founded Interval Type, Ilya was part of Black[Foundry] and worked with foundries in France and Switzerland.

The library of Interval Type is small but already full of gems. Englisch is a playful display typeface that draws inspiration from 17th and 18th century English type designs to create a slightly eccentric and charming contemporary design that has been awarded with a TDC award for type design this year.

Factor A and Factor B are the geometric sans-serifs in the collection. Factor A is the warmer of the two, Factor B is more rational in its shapes. But both have a contemporary appeal, not only because of little quirky details but also because of a wide set of squiggly alternates.

Rooftop is a sturdy grotesk inspired by the american grotesks of the early 20th century but with slightly squarish curves, a design detail that I fondly remember from designs like T-Star and my only clumsy attempt at type design as a student in the early 2000s. Stravinsky is a a slightly chaotic, experimental grotesk display typeface.

And then there is Oceanic. Full of bold, organic shapes and exuberant, contrasting friskiness. Odd, quirky, elegant – and TDC-awarded in 2022 as well. Oceanic Text, the more sober serif counterpart for running text completes the family, creating the perfect mix for a wide range of applications.

For all fonts, you can get free trial fonts with a limited character set.

Screenshot Oceanic Text
Screenshot Oceanic Text
Screenshot Oceanic Text
Screenshot Oceanic
Screenshot Oceanic
Screenshot Oceanic
Screenshot Stravinsky
Screenshot Rooftop
Screenshot Factor B
Screenshot Factor B
Screenshot Factor B
Screenshot Factor A
Screenshot Factor A
Screenshot Englisch
Screenshot Englisch
Screenshot Englisch
Screenshot Englisch
Screenshot Interval Type library
Screenshot Interval Type website

This post is part of the Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar 2022


16 Webmentions

Photo of Pablo Lara H
Pablo Lara H
🎄; Independent Type Foundry Advent Calendar Day 14: Interval Type Instagram @intervaltype #adventcalendar #design #typedesign #typefoundries #typography by Matthias Ott @m_ott…
Photo of @tylersticka
@tylersticka Yes, and how the e and the c look like smiling whale-like creatures is just lovely. 😊;
Photo of @matthiasott
@matthiasott That Oceanic typeface is just gorgeous

